Product Details
DCC Concepts DCC-SPL SuperPanel for NCE DCC Systems Manufacturer: DCC Concepts
Part Number: DCC-SPL (DCCSPL)
Condition: New
Expected Price: 🇨🇦 $228.75 (Plus applicable taxes) MSRP: 🇬🇧 £189.95 (🇨🇦 $334.65) - Save $105.90 / 32%! ☑️ This item is not currently in stock, but should be available to order.
*** requires NCE DCC system (or DCC Concepts Aegis) *** DCCconcepts SuperPanel is a clever layout, accessory and loco controller for all users of ESP aegis and NCE DCC systems. SuperPanel lets you create, save and edit routes, loco actions, sounds and light control, letting you mix them in one single sequence. With 20x more ability than any similar device, SuperPanel really does have almost no limits! Supplied with: 24x connection cables 1x 1m command bus cable The DCCconcepts Super Panel is similar in concept to the NCE Mini Panel, with more powerful features & usability. It is designed to be used as a fully digital DCC model railway control panel, with the panel or panels being mobile and plugged in various locations around the layout. Super Panel can be used for complex route setting, point/turnout indication, and many automation tasks on the layout. For example, a small display layout at an exhibition can be programmed to run a set of actions, meaning the layout can operate whilst the operator is away. Features The DCCconcepts Super Panel has 47 physical switch inputs, plus a further 3 phantom inputs not associated to any physical connection. Any of the 47 inputs can be connected to PUSH-BUTTONS, TOGGLE SWITCHES and/or RELAYS. This also includes devices such as the DCCconcepts LM-iD Block Detector, and any other device that provides a 5V logic output. The device is specifically designed to operate with toggle switches and relays that remain CLOSED. All of the 47 inputs can be programmed with up to 20 COMMAND STEPS, either as SWITCH CLOSED or SWITCH OPEN state. The allows the user to now control a turnout using ONE toggle switch connected to ONE input. This means the Super Panel can control 47 turnouts, including crossover where pairs of turnouts are controlled as one unit. The 20 command step allows complex ladder routing, using push buttons, and point indication to which route has been chosen. You can assign some of the inputs to be outputs, hence LEDs can be driven directly from the panel. Super Panel also includes a user controlled ‘start of day’ setup where all points/turnouts or accessories align with the control panel switches when power is applied to the layout. UPC: 9347394004704